09 November 2012

Download Kamus Arab Indonesia - Indonesia Arab Android

Sumber Artikel : http://ristekmuslim.com/portofolio/kamus-arab-indonesia-android

Kamus Arab Indonesia adalah aplikasi mobile Android yang dapat menterjemahkan kata dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Arab dan juga sebaliknya. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan oleh komunitas mahasiswa muslim di surabaya, pengembangan aplikasi ini di dukung oleh Ristek Muslim. berikut ini beberapa capture dari aplikasi kamus arab indonesia :
kamus arab indo- splash screen 
Splash Screen
kamus arab indo - menu aplikasi 
Menu Aplikasi
kamus arab indo - indonesia arab 
Kamus Indonesia - Arab
kamus arab indo - arab indonesia 
Kamus Arab - Indonesia
kamus arab indo - arab indonesia 

Aplikasi ini didistribusikan secara gratis. Anda bisa memanfaatkan dan menyebarluaskan aplikasi ini secara bebas dengan catatan bukan untuk tujuan komersial. Silahkan mendowload aplikasi android Kamus Arab Indonesia disini :

19 September 2011

Adding RedHat DVD as Repository

When we try out a new linux OS its always a pain to download and install all the software and add packages we needs on that. Its even worse if you don’t have an unlimited connection. But actually most of the software we need is already there in the CD/DVD in which the operating system comes with. So how do we install from the DVD then rather than from the internet?
For this you need to add the DVD as a repository so that rpm client picks up the rpm from the DVD and wont go to internet for it.
The Procedure and Files to be modified is a bit different for each OS so i will cover Red Hat Linux in this post.
In RHEL the repo list is maintained in the folder /etc/yum.repos.d/ . So lets create a new file in this directory , say lets call it rhel-cd.repo.
The Contents of this file should be as follows:

name=Red Hat Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch - CD

First line ([rhel-cd]) should be an unique value ie no two repo file should have the same value or it will show a warning.

Name can be anything it is for the user to identify it when its shown though the rpm interface.

baseurl should point to the DVD mount point. For this we first identify the file repomd.xml. This file should be in the folder repodata. Thus we should include the folder path to the parent folder to repodata in the baseurl.
Eg: In my DVD path to repomd.xml is /media/RHEL/Server/repodata/repomd.xml , then I include /media/RHEL/Server/ in the baseurl as file:///media/RHEL/Server/

enabled should be 1 if the repo should be taken by rpm on searching for sources.

gpgcheck can be enabled if you have the gpg file for the cd. Lets leave it disabled for now.

Now save the file and close it. So the configuration for adding a new repo is done. If you have any more .repo files in the folder /etc/yum.repos.d/ then open those and disable ( by making enabled=0) those for now as rpm might choose them over cd repo and it will prompt for downloading from internet. After doing that also we need to clean the cache of yum so that it re-reads the repodata and caches again. This is essential as then only the changes made to .repo files get reflected. You can clean cache by the command

yum clean all

Now you can install new rpms from the DVD by using yum command.
So try it out and tell me how it goes and tell me if it doesn’t work or if you need some help

source : http://blog.sriunplugged.com/linux/adding-redhat-dvd-as-repository/

Configuring Yum in RHEL5 for DVD source

In my last article I explained the problem I faced with the installation of software in RHEL5 Beta2. I tried system-config-packages and the old "rpm" command but nothing worked as it used to in earlier days. So I thought to dig into this thing and tried to find the possible cause and solution to this problem.

So I went on to GNU/Linx community and put up this question. Okay I got some inputs some directions and finally I got what I wanted. First of all let me tell you the scenario once more so that you can better get what I want to say.

Suppose you have installed a RHEL5 system and now after the installation is complete you want to install a package (which is not installed). You put in the DVD and mount it. Go to the said directory and try to install the package via the well old "rpm" command. But to your surprise you found that it failed due to dependency problems. Okay no problem. We all know how to deal with it. We use the "--aid" switch with our "rpm" command that will automatically install the dependency rpm first then the said rpm. Well we try that but it again failed with the same error message. That means it's not finding the dependency rpm. But wait. The dependency rpm and the rpm we want to install both are in the same directory then why is the "rpm" command failing.

Well that's because in RHEL5 (as in Fedora Core 6) all the things are controlled by "yum". I read somethings about "yum" and quickly found that it had problem with dvd sources. But I didn't found any thing on how to disable "yum" completely and go through the well old command line way of installing packages. But I found a way out by which "yum" can access DVD sources and if that happens we can install/un-install packages easily either via graphical tool(system-config-packages) or the command line via "yum" command.

Okay so let's start this.I inserted the RHEL5 Client DVD and mounted it on /media/dvd/

mkdir -p /media/dvd
mount /dev/dvd /media/dvd

Then I created a ISO file for this DVD using the "mkisofs" command.

mkisofs -o /opt/RHEL5.iso -r /media/dvd/

The above command took sometime as I was creating a image file for my DVD (approx 3.6GB). Well after sometime it finished. Now was the time to do the real job. There was no use of the DVD so i unmounted and ejected it.

umount /media/dvd/

Now I created a directory which will act as mount point for the ISO file I created earlier.

mkdir -p /dvd/actual

Now I mounted the ISO file onto the above mount point. Note that to mount the ISO file we need to use special options. So let's see what is the command.

mount -r -o loop -t iso9660 /opt/RHEL5.iso /dvd/actual

The above command mounted the RHEL5 ISO on /dvd/actual. Now I went to the mount point directory and installed a rpm called "createrepo".

cd /dvd
rpm -Uvh actual/Client/creatrepo*

The need for this RPM arises because the DVD of RHEL5 (also of FC6) has "media:" written in it's metadata that creates problem with "yum". Now by using this createrepo I will create a copy of my own for the repodata that will not be having the "media:" thing and that will help me use the repodata with "yum" and hence the software using "yum" too like "system-config-packages" or "pirut".

Now it's time to create the repodata. This is how I did that (note: I didn't changed my current directory. Was where I was previously).

createrepo .

Above command indexed around 2239 Packages and created a repodata/ directory in the current directory of around 8.1 MB. This directory had the repomod.xml and other metadata files. Actually what it did was it indexed all the RPM's present in the current directory, that was "/dvd". So I had rpm's in

/dvd/actual/Client, /dvd/actual/VT, /dvd/actual/Workstation

All got indexed and the metadata was created.

I also copied the GPG key files to my hard disk (to tell yum to use them later).

cp /dvd/actual/*GPG* /opt

There were around 4-5 GPG files they got copied to /opt. Later we will see that we can make "yum" to read these GPG key files and verify a package before installing.

Now finally came the time to tell yum to use this repo to for my installations. That was done by creating a repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d/. This is how it was done:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
vi dvd.repo

Inside this file I wrote the following:

gpgkey=file:///opt/RPM-GPG-KEY file:///opt/RPM-GPG-KEY-beta file:///opt/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora file:///opt/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-test

Saved the /etc/yum.repos.d/dvd.repo file. Now I thought of disabling the plugins for RHN and "InstallOnly Packages". So I went to /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/ and opened the configuration file for each plugin and made "enabled=1" to "enabled=0".

Now finally I updated my "yum" so that it reads the new repo and other settings once again. For that I did:

yum clean all
yum update

Voila.It's finally done. But hey wait.When I install a package from where will it select the package rpm.It will do that from the mounted ISO.That means I need to mount the ISO everytime.

Well I can use fstab for that.So I created a entry in /etc/fstab so that my ISO gets mounted automatically on boot.

Here was the entry I made in /etc/fstab:

/opt/RHEL5.iso /dvd/actual iso9660 defaults,ro,loop 0 0

Now I ran system-config-packages and search, browse, install and un-install RPM's easily. Now the GUI Package manager can search for installed as well as not installed rpm's. That's great. But the most important thing is that it if install a RPM which needs a dependency RPM (which is not installed) the Package manager will tell us that there is a dependency and will install it automatically.Great !. Same goes for un-installation of packages.If some package is acting as a dependency for some other package and we try to remove it then it will show a message and will ask us what to do.

For command line lovers "yum" command will work. Now they can search package via yum search or if they don't remember the name they can see the large list using yum list command.For installing yum install.This will handle the dependencies too.

Okay so I finally managed to find a way out. But it was a real pain.
But as they say "No Pain No Gain".

Meanwhile I have not formatted my RHEL5 but instead of that in my Vista partition I have installed Ubuntu 7.04 Herd 4. So now I have two Linux RHEL5 Beta2 (Client) and Ubuntu 7.04 Herd 4. Well I kept RHEL5 so that I can learn some more new things.

All in all Package management in RHEL/Fedora needs a great improvement.Today I call upon the developers to come together and help the Redhat guys to improve the "yum","pirut" and "system-config-packages".

source : http://openbysource.blogspot.com/2007/02/configuring-yum-in-rhel5-for-dvd-source.html

16 September 2011


# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. server.disperdagin server localhost.localdomain localhost
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. server localhost.localdomain server.disperdagin
localhost::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

Set Kernel Parameters etc/sysctl.conf

net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 2
net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0
kernel.core_uses_pid = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
fs.file-max = 65536
kernel.msgmni = 2878
kernel.msgmax = 8192
kernel.msgmnb = 65536
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 12884901888
kernel.sysrq = 1
net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max = 262144
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 262144
fs.aio-max-nr = 3145728
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
vm.min_free_kbytes = 51200

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